This question is often asked ‘’What is Angelic Healing? “

Angelic Healing is a kind of energy healing. Our mind and body work on an energy system which gets blocked during our daily lives. This block consists of anxiety, jealousy, fear, anger, pain, resentment, or anything that is not in true alignment with who we are. To work our lives with high vibrations and far-reaching happiness, we eliminate these blockages with the help of Angels and this recharges our exhausted energies and raises our AURA. One session of Angels healing ranges for 21 days to 54 days depending on the case. We provide Angel healing for following:

Who are Angels?

Angels can be described as messengers of God. You can call them as intermediaries between God (or Heaven) and humanity. They are the one who carry our prayers to God and also gives us their messages through various signs or strong intuition. Regular communication with  Angels will give you great improvements in your  lives with much more happiness, more peace, more confidence and less afraid of life. You are never  alone as Angels are always with you. Angels can help you regarding your money, career, health, family, love life or any other area. There is nothing too small or too big to handle for the Angels. God and the Angels already know our problems  but they can’t involve themselves unless and until we ask the Angels to give us their assistance. Angel love when someone calls upon them, so you can ask for their help without hesitation and whenever needed.

Guardian Angels

Each of us have two Guardian angels from the time we were born.They are designated to us for our entire life. If any person has more than two Guardian Angels then that means you have done some good in your past Karma. They are around 3 to 4 feet tall and white in colour.

Who are Archangels?

Archangels are like supervisors of Guardian Angels. They help in finding solutions for the human race. They are in the form of light , sometimes yellow, red etc . They have no religion and are limitless. They can help everyone simultaneously , even if more than one thousand people are asking for them at the same time. They never intervene unless you ask them for your help. Each Archangel helps us in various forms . To invoke them, each of them is connected to a particular colour, crystal and essential oil ( rose, lavender, sandalwood etc) . Like in Hinduism, protection is related to Lord Hanuman, Money and Prosperity is related to Goddess Laxmi, Wisdom is related to Lord Ganesha and so on, in the same way all Archangels are related to a particular aspects of our life.  The archangels even have reference in  various other religion including Islam and Sikhism. Few of the  well recognised archangels are :

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